United States
Our American webinar occured on April 22nd, 2024, in partnership with the International Council of Environmental Law (ICEL).
Here is the program :
Earth Day’s 55th Anniversary :
Introduction and presentation of the Green Rights Coalition by Victoria Lichet, Executive Director of the Green Rights Coalition
Panel Discussion:
Green Rights: “One Code” for One World – Prof. Nicholas A. Robinson, Pace University Professor on the Environment, Gilbert and Sarah Kerlin Distinguished Professor of Environmental Law Emeritus
The Inter-American Court for Human Right, ITLOS, and ICJ Advisory Opinions on Environmental Rights and Climate Change – Prof. Victor Tafur, Pace University Adjunct Professor.
The Remedies of H.O.P.E.: Heal Our Planet Earth - Tony Oposa, creative litigator, organizer, and activist for environmental legislation in the Philippines.
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