The Global Pact Coalition is thrilled to announce its exciting new partnership with the non-governmental organization Sociedad Hominis Iura (SOHI).
SOHI specializes in the defense, promotion, and education of human rights in Venezuela. One of SOHIās missions is the promotion of the right to a healthy environment.
Both the Global Pact Coalition and SOHI were participants in the Global Coalition of Civil Society Organizations, Indigenous Peoples, Social Movements, and Local Communities for the Universal Recognition of the Right to a Clean, Healthy, And Sustainable Environment.
Today, the two organizations continue to nourish their partnership. Adelfa Malpica Dommar, the head of SOHI, is set to organize the fifth edition of the AnzoƔtegui Human Rights Fair in Venezuela, from 17 November to 10 December 2023. The Fair will be centered around the right to a healthy environment and, as such, the Global Pact Coalition is proud to support this initiative.
We are delighted to formalize this partnership with SOHI, as both organizations have a common objective of promoting the human right to a healthy environment.
You will find below our joint statement to celebrate this partnership.
Global Pact Coalition
Sociedad Hominis Iura
Joint Statement
The Global Pact Coalition and Sociedad Hominis Iura are thrilled to announce their collaborative efforts to defend and promote the human right to a healthy environment. While the Global Pact Coalition focuses its efforts on the international recognition and protection of this right, Sociedad Hominis Iura does so at the national level in Venezuela.
Sociedad Hominis Iura seeks to contribute to the creation of a democratic, participatory and just society in Venezuela. To do so, it specialized in the defense, promotion, and education of human rights in that country, such as the right to a healthy environment. It is leading several campaigns and programs to inform about human rights and promote them.
The Global Pact Coalition seeks to mobilize support for the adoption of a Global Pact for the Environment, an international treaty that would recognize the right to a healthy environment for all and secure our environmental rights and duties. It also aims to promote green rights around the world.
Both organizations started to work hand in hand when they joined the Global Coalition of Civil Society Organizations, Indigenous Peoples, Social Movements, and Local Communities for the Universal Recognition of the Right to a Clean, Healthy, And Sustainable Environment.Ā
As partners, Sociedad Hominis Iura and the Global Pact Coalition will join forces and work together to defend and promote the right to a healthy environment, as well as to educate on this right and other green rights.
